Organizational/People Assessment

  • Organizational Assessment - Needs assessment, Process analysis
  • Individual Assessments - Career, Personality, Teams, Leadership, etc.
The first step in implementing change within an organization or with an individual, is understanding the nature/function of the organization, or developing an awareness about an individual. We are not interested in implementing projects or interventions that add no value to the organization or individual. We work with all of our Clients in various ways to understand their method of operating, at their pace.
Some of our assessments or fact-finding sessions are conducted on a rapid-results basis where our observations and discussions are done quickly and perhaps are abbreviated when time does not allow a complete assessment. Other Clients require or request a more detailed discovery process, which might include interviews with key people, paper/pencil or web-based assessments/questionnaires, focus group discussions with targeted departments, a facilitated needs assessment process with department heads regarding gaps between goals and actual performance, studying a production line or purchasing decision process for productivity, speed or quality issues, or observing a senior management meeting, etc.
This first phase is important to our Clients to ensure that our work together creates desired results, is aligned with organizational strategies and surpasses expectations.
We have access to hundreds of assessments, online & paper-based, which can be used for individuals or teams.  Please contact us for more information and to discuss your assessment needs.