Client's Need
Due to operator error, management issues, and lack of training, Energy company experienced issues that affected the welfare of the public and the environment, and cost the company millions. Federal agencies were mandating changes that would require developing procedures and qualifying operators.
Research / Assessment
We evaluated organizational performance, and training and evaluation practices of client. Discussed needs and potential changes around enterprise-wide development and training of operators on hundreds of operating procedures. Developed operator qualification protocols and standards, and metrics for evaluating effectiveness of organizational changes.
Design / Implementation
So that company could effectively train across the enterprise, the process of training on the job trainers (coaches) to use procedures and train and qualify operators was developed with client. Developed curriculum and delivered certified Operator and certified Trainer-Coach programs across the corporation – 7 states in the U.S. Developed training guides and evaluation processes for control center and scheduling groups. Assessed skills of certified coaches to transfer procedural knowledge.
Final Results
Over several years, Client became fully coach-driven for transferring knowledge and procedures and qualifying operators. We continued to teach new generations of coaches across 18 years of work with the client. Several of the long-time coaches are now coaching & training other coaches, using the training guides and procedures to train and evaluate.